
This one is MINE Book Review and Giveaway

This one is MINE
by: Maria Semple
Pages: 289

My Stars: 2.5 stars

This book tells us 2 stories at the same time. The 1st story is following Violet, a house wife married to a rich mogul. They have 1 daughter and a nanny. The story basically talk about her marriage being on the rocks , she feels not loved and so forth. Then she meets Teddy, a musician that barely can pay for food and has Hep C. So she fixes his car and starts this relationship until she finally cheats on her husband with this man. His description to me sounds like a homeless man, and what I don't really care to much for is that a person can lower themselves so much like that. Its not like she gets swiped off her feet by him. He is very strange.

Then the other story happening is Sally, she is the sister of Violets Husband. Her story is all about her searching for the perfect husband. She find a guy names Jeremy. So it just her capturing him and actually getting pregnant.

So its not your typical Love Story, its more like everyday happenings that we go thru and struggle with. So if your into real life issues and not a sappy love story, this is the book for you!

Love,Peace and Twilight!

Product Description

Violet Parry is living the quintessential life of luxury in the Hollywood Hills with David, her rock-and-roll manager husband, and her darling toddler, Dot. She has the perfect life--except that she's deeply unhappy. David expects the world of Violet but gives little of himself in return. When she meets Teddy, a roguish small-time bass player, Violet comes alive, and soon she's risking everything for the chance to find herself again. Also in the picture are David's hilariously high-strung sister, Sally, on the prowl for a successful husband, and Jeremy, the ESPN sportscaster savant who falls into her trap. For all their recklessness, Violet and Sally will discover that David and Jeremy have a few surprises of their own. THIS ONE IS MINE is a compassionate and wickedly funny satire about our need for more--and the often disastrous choices we make in the name of happiness.


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Deadline for Giveaway is 05/14/10 at Midnight.


  1. Am I really the first one on here???? WOW! PICK ME!!! PLEASE???? MY EMAIL

  2. Sounds like an interesting book! I love your review!

    Yay! Thanks!

  3. Will read asap!

  4. YAY I did it!


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